Child Care

SFLC is open Monday through Friday, 7:30am-5:30pm!

All Meals are provided and included in our monthly tuition. SFLC serves a vegetarian menu.

Breakfast, AM snack, Lunch and PM snack are provided daily.  


SFLC is a PLAY-BASED center.

The workers of the nation include children.  Their play is not leisurely.  Many of the materials they use resemble those that adults identify with their leisure.  But, children don’t engage in leisurely activity.  They build.  They hit.  They run.  They test.  They negotiate.  They venture.  They shout.  They cry.  They talk.  They listen.  They get hurt.  They try again.  They cope endlessly with the tasks of being human. 
When a child works at his own level of interest, competence, and understanding, he is making steady progress toward independent thinking, creative flexibility, easy adjustment to new situations, and other important curriculum goals. 
Our program is built on a firm base of child development and meaningful subject matter.  Providing for individual differences is the heartbeat of our curriculum.  It throbs in every decision, every suggestion, and every move our teachers make. It is our goal here at Strong Foundations Learning Center to: *promote health, physical growth, and motor development.
*increase independence in meeting and solving problems.
*strengthen inner emotional controls.
*recognize reasonable limits and to influence growth toward self-discipline.
*encourage self-liking, self-confidence, and self-understanding.
*foster security with adults.
*stimulate liking for children of different ages and background.
*promote language skills
*free self-expressions in arts, music, and dance.
*broaden intellectual horizons.*help children to observe, investigate, seek and acquire information and to think critically.